As it is vital to keep your hands clean, proper handwashing has now become part of a healthy lifestyle that those trying to live healthily need to do. However, things might get a little bit complicated if they need to wash their hands properly once in several hours. For that reason, the use of hand sanitizers is another booming trend to keep up with, especially with today’s unhealthy environment. The term E3 refers to the quality and formulas of the product to combat germs and bacteria. In addition to its main function to clean the hands, bringing around a hand sanitizer will bring you other benefits, and below are the detailed explanations.
Disease Prevention
As the product’s main function is to clean the hand, it also means that the product can eliminate germs and bacteria that can cause diseases, such as infections, intestinal disorders, and respiratory issues. Scientists often refer to human’s hands as a danger zone where thousands of different germs and bacteria gather and reproduce. If the condition is left without proper prevention acts, you will likely suffer from certain types of diseases, especially if you are currently in an unhealthy environment.
Many studies believe that when one applies the sanitizer to their hands properly, the formulas contained in the liquid can eliminate ninety-nine percent of the germs and bacteria. For that reason, keeping a hand sanitizer ready in your pocket will undoubtedly give you the chance to live healthily.
Compared to washing hands using hand soap, either liquids or bars, using a hand sanitizer proves to be more practical. You do not have to run around to find water or a sink to wash your hands, even if you have a soap bar ready in your bag. With the sanitizer, you can clean your hands easily without having to rinse it off with water. For this reason, more and more people are now switching to hand sanitizers, especially those with a weak immune system.
Safer and Healthier Environment
Another reason why this product is important is that you can help create a safer and healthier environment by bringing and using the products. Studies suggest that physical contact is one of the leading causes of germ spread, which can lead to intestinal diseases whenever food is involved. Thus, by using the product to eliminate germs in your hands, you can contribute to create a safer environment to live in.